Minerva Chirurgica, Volume 53, Issue 6, Page 561-565. June 1998.
Divisione di Chirurgia d'Urgenza, ASL Napoli 1, Ospedale Ascalesi
[Article in Italian]
BACKGROUND: To device a new surgical technique of preputial plasty for the treatment of phimosis, as an alternative to circumcision, easy to perform, which preserves the normal function of the prepuce.
METHODS: The new technique consists of three lengthwise incisions of the stenosing wase [sic] and their diagonal suture, the triple incision preputial plasty, described by others, modified adding frenulotomy and two more incisions between the previous ones, which are left to heal spontaneously. This technique has been applied on 22 children over a period of 24 months, with a follow-up of six-twenty-four months.
RESULTS: The technique is easy to perform. All check-ups show good cosmetic results, no recurrence, normal preputial anatomy and function. It is important to continue preputial gymnastics
until stabilization.
CONCLUSIONS: The devised technique fully succeeds in preserving a normal prepuce, it is easier to perform and safer than other preputial plasties and it may be carried out in all cases of phimosis in pediatrics. The good results achieved encourage us to continue along this path, hoping that the technique will be largely applied.
PMID: 9774854 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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