Fiscal Number Total Newborn Percent Percent Year Circumcised Males Circumcised Intact 1992/93 680 6067 11.2% 88.8% 1993/94 673 5987 10.7% 89.3% 1994/95 633 5717 11.1% 87.9% 1995/96 637 5478 11.6% 87.4% 1996/97 607 5454 11.1% 87.9% 1997/98 127 5102 2.5% 97.5% 1998/99 103 5017 2.1% 97.9%
Nova Scotia circumcision rates were as high as 37.1% in 1973 but had dropped to 16.1% by 1980. As of January 20, 1997, newborn circumcisions for non-medical reasons are no longer covered by our province's Medical Services Insurance plan.
James Muir, Minister of Health.
Office of the Minister, Department of Health, P. O. Box 488, Halifax, NS B3J 2R8
Courtesy of:
John Antonopoulos, President
Circumcision Resource Centre
Les Atriums
P.O. Box 32065
Montreal, Quebec H2L 4Y5
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