British Association of Paediatric Surgeons (BAPS) Interim Statement on Male Non-therapeutic Ritual Circumcision (1997)


Statement on behalf of the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons concerning Male Ritual Circumcision.

These comments are made in response to the GMC document 'Draft guidance for doctors who are asked to perform circumcision on boys for religious or cultural reasons'.

  1. The British Association of Paediatric Surgeons (External link BAPS) recognises that male circumcision is required in certain religious and cultural groups and that decisions concerning the legality or otherwise of performing the procedure must lie with society and be determined by Parliament. Not withstanding this, it is the majority opinion that the practice should be discouraged by education.
  2. The BAPS considered that the optimum circumstances for the procedure to be performed is in hospital under general anaesthesia, particularly in view of recent research regarding the long term effects of the pain endured. The Association considers that when the operation is performed by a doctor it should be carried out in hospital.
  3. The BAPS wish to see more precise statements regarding the phrase a good standard of care. (This would be less of an issue if all procedures were performed in hospital).

A.E.MacKinnon. 1/3/97

CIRP logo Note:

The BAPS has issued an additional statement regarding religious circumcision in July, 2001. In 2006, CIRP believes that this statement is outmoded.

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