Compelled Medical Procedures Involving Minors and Incompetents and Misapplication of the Substituted Judgment Doctrine (1992)

Journal of Law and Health, Volume 7: Pages 107-130, 1992.

Lynn E. Lebit

  I. Introduction................................................107

 II. The Theory of Substituted Judgment..........................109
III. The Doctrine of Informed Consent............................111
 IV. Misapplication of the Substituted Judgment Doctrine ........112
     A. Compelled Organ and Tissue Donation......................112

     B. Compulsory Sterilization.................................119
     C. Refusal and Withdrawal of Life-Sustaining Treatment......122
  V. Confusion Between Best Interests and Substituted Judgment...125

 VI. Development of a New Standard...............................127
VII. Conclusion..................................................129

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