A new non-profit international network of attorneys has been formed to address legal matters pertaining to the genital mutilation of children, particularly the practice of male genital mutilation or circumcision.
Attorneys for the Rights of the Child (ARC) is working to eliminate this outmoded and illegal surgical procedure. We do this by raising judicial, legal, and public awareness regarding the male child's inherent legal and human rights to physical integrity and self-determination. ARC is developing a network of attorneys to assist families whose sons were circumcised without parental consent, parents whose sons were circumcised below standard of care
and those whose sons died from circumcision.
ARC will spearhead the development of a network of attorneys prepared to assist plaintiffs wishing to expand the legal standard on this issue to make legal relief available to circumcised males.
ARC promotes the incorporation of genital integrity considerations into relevant fields including medical ethics, psychology, the rights of children and youth, and other issues. Already, ARC representatives have published pertinent articles in legal and medical journals, and have presented papers at various respected conferences, including the Fourth International Symposium on Sexual Mutilations in Lausanne, Switzerland and, more recently, at the Seventh Interdisciplinary Conference on Male Sexual Victimization in Orinda, California.
Any interested attorney is encouraged to contact us to obtain a copy of our introductory mailing, including an informational flyer and membership form. Charter membership in ARC is available for $35. Please make your check payable to Attorneys for the Rights of the Child
and mail to J. Steven Svoboda, Esq., 2961 Ashby Ave., Berkeley, CA 94705, telephone: 510-848-4437, e-mail: svoboda1@flash.net.
Persons seeking legal counsel in matters related to circumcision may contact ARC for a referral to a knowledgeable attorney.
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