Journal of the American Medical Association, Volume 218, Issue 7, Page 1051. Monday, 15 November 1971.
To the editor.- Harnes' description of the difficulties regarding investigation of sexual satisfaction of men before and after circumcision in adulthood provokes a sympathetic response, and recalls testimony received from individuals who have expressed either regret or satisfaction with their state of affairs since the appearance of an article in last year's Journal (213:1853, 1970) on this subject.
A surprising number of individuals responding to the article have shown similar findings to those reported by Harnes: many indicate a confusion of sexual concepts and relationships, others have interpreted the article as being anti-Semitic, anti-Communist or even pro-Communist, and still others have made other various miscellaneous derogatory responses.
Harnes' inability to find reports of a plastic procedure for preputial replacement may be due to the Index Medicus not listing several articles from the foreign literature. Three works dealing with the subject are listed below.1-3
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