Surick I; McLaughlin M; Chaisson M. HIV infection and circumcision status. New York City Department of Health, NY, NY, USA Int Conf AIDS. 1989 Jun 4-9;5:113 (abstract no. T.A.P. 89). UI: AIDSLINE ICA5/00036489)
OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between HIV infection and circumcision.
METHODS: An analysis of two studies done in New York City's Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Clinics. Study No. 1 is a case-control study of 352 men attending 2 STD clinics from 8/87-3/88. Study NO. 2 is a cross-sectional study of 1,374 men attending 2 STD clinics from 12/86 to 12/88. All study participants were interviewed. Circumcision status was determined by self-report (both studies) and by physical exam in Study No. 1. RESULTS: The prevalence of circumcision status by physical exam in Study No. 1 was 39.1%. In Sudy No. 2 the prevalence of circumcsino by self-report was 52.0%. The differences in circumcision rates can be explained both by the racial compositions of the two studies and by misclassification in those who were circumcised (17.7% vs 8.4%). The prevalence of HIV infection in Study No1 was 18.2%, and in Study No. 2 was 13.2%. Logistic regression analysis adjusted for age, race, homosexuality, number of sexual partners, drug use, diagnosis and circumcision status (physical exam and self-report) was done for both study populations. There was no association between circumcision status and HIV infection.
CONCLUSIONS: In two studies in NYC STD clinics, with a total of 1,726 men, no independent relationship was found between circumcision status and HIV infection.
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