Journal of Urology (Paris), Volume 87, Issue 7, Pages 413-418. 1981.
[Article in French]
The iatrogenic aetiology of urethral stenosis now plays a considerable role: 40.6% of stenoses seen between 1966 and 1980. It would appear to be increasing in frequency: 10 new cases per year during the past 4 years. The role of the indwelling urethral catheter is particularly troublesome despite the constant improvement in the material used. With the exception improvement in the material used. With the exception of 11 meatal stenosis after circumcision, 2 apparently post-radiotherapy stenosis and 3 strictures after cytoscopy, a urethral catheter was alone responsible in 14 cases and apparently the principal factor in 20 others (i.e. 34/50). The treatment of iatrogenic stenosis of the urethra involves all methods, with a marked preference for internal urethrotomy. Finally, prevention is based essentially upon more caution in the use of indwelling urethral catheters.
PMID: 7310161 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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