Side Effects of Routine Circumcision: Some Bad Outcomes


Crude Circumcision
Crude Circumcision

Adhesions to Head of Penis: - More Cutting Likely Needed
Adhesions to Head of Penis:
More Cutting Likely Needed

Adhesions to Head of Penis: - More Cutting Likely Needed
Adhesions to Head of Penis:
More Cutting Likely Needed

Radical Circumcision: - Tight Erections Likely in Adulthood
Radical Circumcision:
Tight Erections Likely in Adulthood

Missing Frenulum: - Probable loss of much sexual sensitivity
Missing Frenulum:
Probable loss of much sexual sensitivity

Meatal stenosis - Too small opening: - Additional surgery likely
Meatal stenosis
Too small opening:
Additional surgery likely

Phimosis after circumcision - Head of penis still covered: - More surgery likely
Phimosis after circumcision
Head of penis still covered:
More surgery likely

Narrow urine stream due to meatal stenosis - Too small opening: - Additional surgery likely
Narrow urine stream due to meatal stenosis
Too small opening:
Additional surgery likely

Post-circ fistula - Urethra cut causing double stream of urine
Post-circ fistula
Urethra cut causing double stream of urine

Post-circ phimosis - Head of penis covered more surgery likely
Post-circ phimosis
Head of penis covered more surgery likely

Bleeding hemophilia
Bleeding hemophilia

Post division of adhesions - Surgical division of adhesions
Post division of adhesions
Surgical division of adhesions

Partial glans amputation - Head of penis partially amputated
Partial glans amputation
Head of penis partially amputated

Dead penis
Dead penis



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