Date: Sun, 01 Feb 1998 18:23:57 -0800 From: Tim Hammond Subject: Letter to AAP Below is a letter I sent to each member of the AAP Task Force. With the letter, I included the "Estimated Incidence" table that I created in 1994. This table, BTW, will be available on the new NOHARMM website. FYI, I created another table for the site, of the estimated incidence of *worldwide* male circ. complications (between 5 million and 63 million). Tim ******************************************** Dear Dr. Lannon, In the process of converting NOHARMM's published informational materials to HTML for our new Web site, I came across the enclosed table that I had created in 1994, *Estimated Incidence of Neonatal Circumcision Complications Affecting Males Born in the U.S. between 1940 and 1990*. I thought this item might be of particular interest to physicians on the Task Force. Since, by the 1989 Task Force's own admission, "The exact incidence of postoperative complications is unknown," I felt it imperative that an estimate of these complications be made. That 1989 Task Force's "0.2%" estimated complication rate was rejected by Williams and Kapila, in favor of a more realistic figure of between "2%-10%," depending on diagnostic criteria. To be even more conservative, I included in the table a 1% estimated complication rate. As you can see from the 1% rate, there is a minimum of well over one-half million American males now living with circumcision complications of unknown severity. Under Williams' and Kapila's estimate, there are between 1.3 and 6.5 million such males. Dr. Schoen's colleague, the late Dr. Aaron Fink, wrote a book titled "Circumcision: A Parent's Decision for Life." It would appear from even these most conservative estimates, that for the men so affected, this prophylactic surgery done without the patient's consent in one of the world's most medically advanced nations, is nevertheless "A man's burden for life." I urge you to consider this information carefully in your exploration of this issue.
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