WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTE INTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR RESEARCH ON CANCER 150, Cours Albert Thomas 69372 Lyon Cédex 08, France In reply please refer to: FI/92/3 1 May 1997 Dear Dr Lannon, I am writing following the request of Mr DeSeabra in relation to his concerns about the recommendations to be made by the American Academy of Pediatrics concerning circumcision and the prevention of cervical and penile cancers. Considering that: 1. there is no clear and solid epidemiological evidence linking circumcision to a reduced risk of cervical cancer and that the link of circumcision to a reduced risk of penile cancer is weak; and that 2. on the other hand, it is now accepted that certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV) play a central role in the causation of cancer of the cervix and of the penis, I believe that efforts on the prevention of these cancers should be directed at the prevention of HPV infection and not at the promotion of routine circumcision. Yours sincerely, (signed) Dr Nubia Muñoz Chief, Unit of Field and Intervention Studies
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