What is Lost to Circumcision

Gary L. Harryman

When a baby boy's natural and intact penis is circumcised, this is what is lost forever:

  1. * The frenar band of soft ridges--the single most pleasure producing zone on the male body. Loss of this densely innervated and reactive belt of tissue reduces the sensitivity of the remaining penis to about that of ordinary skin.
  2. Approximately half of the temperature reactive smooth muscle sheath called the dartos fascia.
  3. Specialized epithelial Langerhans cells, a component of the immune system.
  4. * An estimated 240 feet of microscopic nerves, including branches of the dorsal nerve.
  5. * Between 10,000 to 20,000 specialized erotogenic nerve endings of several types, which can discern slight motion, subtle changes in temperature, and fine gradations in texture. This loss includes thousands of coiled fine-touch receptors called the Meissner's corpuscles - the most important sensory component in the foreskin.
  6. Estrogen receptors the purpose and value of which are not yet fully understood.
  7. * More than 50% of the mobile penile skin, the multi-purpose covering of the glans, that shields all of the specialized penile skin from abrasion, drying, and callusing (by keratin cell layering), and protects it from dirt and other contaminants. The debilitating sexual consequences of keratinizing the glans have never been studied.
  8. The immunological defense system of the soft mucosa, which may produce antibacterial and antiviral proteins such as lysozyme, also found in mothers milk, and plasma cells, which secrete immunoglobulin antibodies.
  9. Lymphatic vessels, the loss of which interrupts the lymph flow within a part of the bodys immune system.
  10. * The frenulum, the very sensitive V shaped web-like tethering structure on the underside of the glans; usually amputated along with the foreskin, or severed, which destroys its functionality.
  11. * The apocrine glands of the inner foreskin, which produce pheromones—nature's powerful, silent, invisible behavioral signals to potential sexual partners. They contribute significantly to sexuality. Their loss is unstudied.
  12. Ectopic sebaceous glands, which lubricate and moisturize.
  13. * The essential gliding mechanism. If unfolded and spread out flat, the average adult foreskin measures about 15 square inches, the size of a postcard. This abundance of specialized, self-lubricating mobile skin gives the natural penis its unique hallmark ability to smoothly glide in and out within itself—permitting natural non-abrasive masturbation and intercourse, without drying out the vagina or requiring artificial lubricants.
  14. The pink to red to dark purple natural coloration of the glans, normally an internal organ, like the tongue.
  15. * A significant amount of the penis circumference because its double layered wrapping of loose foreskin is now missing making the circumcised penis defectively thinner than a full-sized intact penis.
  16. * As much as one inch of the erect penis length due to amputation when the connective tissue is torn apart during circumcision. This shared membrane tightly fuses the foreskin and the glans together while the penis develops. Ripping it apart wounds the glans, leaving it raw and subject to infection, scarring, and shrinkage.
  17. * Several feet of blood vessels, including the frenular artery and branches of the dorsal artery. The loss of this dense vascularity interrupts normal blood flow to the shaft and glans of the penis, obviously damaging its natural function and possibly stunting its complete and healthy development.
  18. Every year boys lose their penises altogether from botched circumcisions and infections accidents happen. They are then sexually reassigned by transgender surgery and must live their lives as females.
  19. Every year many boys lose their lives from the complications of medically unnecessary circumcisions. The cause of these deaths are a fact the billion dollar per year circumcision industry willfully obscures and conceals.
  20. * Although not yet proved scientifically, there is considerable new evidence that an incomplete penis loses its capacity for the subtle electromagnetic cross-communication that occurs only during contact between two mucous membranes, and which contributes to the perception of sexual ecstasy. In other words, medically unjustified foreskin amputation of boys ultimately diminishes the intensity of orgasms for both men andwomen!

Gary L. Harryman,
14 February 1999
E-Mail glharryman@aol.com

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