© 2001 Revised: 7/1/2001
Interest in the genital integrity issue continues to grow and trustworthy statistics are necessary for an informed debate. No United States health agency publishes the annual percentage rates neonatal males are circumcised versus left intact. The American Academy of Pediatrics complained that statistics being cited are outdated and inaccurate.1 The goal of this paper is to provide recent and accurate statistics for that discussion. This white paper addresses United States neonatal male circumcisions performed in hospitals.
Source Data: According to the U.S. Census Bureau the most accurate figures for live births is the
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).2 Live births for 1990-1999 are from the NCHS report
Births: Final Data for 1999
, 100% samplings. The NCHS tracks the sex ratio; in recent years it has been 1047 males for every 1000 females born live, or 51.15%.3 This figure has changed little in the past 50 years and is used to calculate male births for all years except 1998-99. All other statistics are from health care analysts
HCIA-Sachs (http://www.hcia.com/default.asp) who compiled a 33% sampling Inpatient View report on annual male4 neonate5 circumcisions6 performed in hospitals between 1990 and 1999.
The circumcision rate for 1999 is 58.8% with a corresponding intact rate of 41.2%. The last time the circumcision rate was this low was around 1934, 64 years ago. In 1979 an estimated 15% of boys retained their normal penis,7 compared with the 41.2% intact rate for 1999. The intact rate has increased 275%, or almost three-fold, during that twenty-year period. The number of circumcisions for 1999 dropped 1.1% from the previous year.
Neonatal circumcisions account for 99.3% of U.S. circumcisions. It is the most often performed surgery in the U.S.A.8 Hospital circumcisions account for an estimated 99% of U.S. circumcisions.9
Mean neonatal health-care charges during a hospital stay that included circumcision was $1869 (1999). In 1999 commercial insurance paid for 63.9% of charges; Medicaid paid for 25.9%.
Medicaid paid at least $35 million for circumcision in 1999. Deaths from circumcision and related causes are estimated at 229 per year. Although the number of circumcisions has decreased, infant deaths have increased in general.
The number of circumcisions vary by region. Over the past ten years numbers in the West, Northwest and North Central regions have dropped while the numbers in the South region have risen.
Racial make-up of patients changed over the past ten years. White rates are down ~17%. African-American rates are down ~3%. Asian rates are up ~350%. Indian rates are up ~800% and Hispanic rates are up ~260%.
This report will be updated annually as date becomes available.
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