[Erectile function evaluation after adult circumcision]

Journal  ZHONGHUA NAN KE XUE (National Journal of Andrology), Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 18-19. January 2004.

Shen Z, Chen S, Zhu C, Wan Q, Chen Z
Department of Urology, First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, External link Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310003, China. E-Mail shenzhj@mail.hz.zj.cn

中国人 [Chinese] [Article in Chinese]


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the erectile function of adults after circumcision.

METHODS: Ninty-five patients were investigated on erectile function by questionnaire before and after circumcision, respectively.

RESULTS: Eighteen patients suffered from mild erectile dysfunction before circumcision, and 28 suffered from mild or moderate erectile dysfunction after circumcision (P = 0.001). Adult circumcision appeared to have resulted in weakened erectile confidence in 33 cases (P = 0.04), difficult insertion in 41 cases (P = 0.03), prolonged intercourse in 31 cases (P = 0.04) and improved satisfaction in 34 cases (P = 0.04).

CONCLUSIONS: Adult circumcision has certain effect on erectile function, to which more importance should be attached.

PMID: 14979200 [PubMed - in process]

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This study, unfortunately, was published in Chinese. We have only the English language abstract to guide us. Circumcision is uncommon in China, so these 95 men apparently were circumcised to treat a medical condition with a problem prepuce. Circumcision resulted in erectile dysfunction in 28 (28.4%), weakened erectile confidence in 33 (34.7%) difficult insertion in 41 (43.1%), prolonged intercourse in 31 (32.6%), and improved satisfaction in 34 (35.7%). It is likely that the inproved satisfaction resulted from being freed of the medical condition and the problem prepuce, not from the circumcision. This study tends to confirm the earlier findings of Fink et al..

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